
Been thinking about drinking all day today. Not sure why.


Sending you good energy and vibes to make it thru the day and evening one more day without drinking. One day at a time, the obsession starts to recede. I always ask God for strength that’s the only way I’ve stayed sober along with working the program and going to meetings.

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You’re 10 days in so it’s totally normal … can you go to a meeting or 2 …. Call a friend that’s in recovery ?


Because you’re an alcoholic🤪
I laughed when my sponsor responded with those words when I had a weird day of thinking about drinking one day last week. Get to more meetings and get a sponsor and start working the program if you haven’t already. You got this!


Hope you stayed strong

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You might be bored that use to happen to me a lot not worth it

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My disease of alcoholism wants me dead but will settle for my misery. When I’m trippin, I get to as many meetings as it takes to be ok again.
Service always works too

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Remember why you stopped...
Let's get thru this 24 sober !!!!

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Hey Erika hope you’re doing well! Stay strong!

If you want to chat I added you as a friend

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Hey you good?

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Courage, Erika Burgess

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I hate when that happens. For me it’s like everyday but I understand the battle and how far I’ve come. So, I never give up! More power to you!!

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Yes, I'm good. It was rough but I made it through and I am still sober!


Thank you, I appreciate that!

Sooooo glad to hear

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When we stop drinking, we also mourn the loss of alcohol. Unfortunately that was our solution to our problem.

That’s why I’m so grateful for the 12 steps it has given me a solution to my problem. And that solution I never have to drink again no matter what.

Get obsessed with getting better at one thing, for me it was writing :writing_hand: Just write down some interests and see what pops out as something you could do nonstop that gives you joy. It’s all about keeping your mind busy on something else for long enough to realize that you don’t need it and you never did.

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What you been thinking is normal. Not for long …… you are changing it one day at a time . Stay strong :muscle:

You probably need chocolate :chocolate_bar: try chocolate