
20+ days grinding and doing good. Memorial Day caused or I caused this binder. The support I have doesn’t understand either. Can someone relate to this please ??

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Are statutory holidays a trigger for you ? Sometimes the time frame close to 30,60 and 90days sober people go through PAWS , post acute withdrawal symptoms. Even though your doing well your addict brain tells you otherwise. I was told relapses are always a learning process.


I’m a June birthday and had two wedding receptions in October and November one of them a real drunk fest. I was able to achieve and maintain strength and got to see the other side. Wow. I feel it was a good stepping stone. Prepare for Fourth of July. The only difference on that day is that it’s one more notch on the board.

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Are you working on the 12 steps w a sponsor yet?

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Thanks everyone! This is valuable

Congratulations Brian I’m so proud of you

One day at the time.

Thanks idk if certain days or people are tiggers. But it’s something to consider.

For me it was always pay days so I started giving my mom my money and telling her when I got paid and I gave her my credit cards/bank cards and my ID (I know thats hard for people that drive ) so I had no way to pick up but just try not to be hard on yourself, I took me 2 years of relapsing before I finally told myself thats enough, my last relapse almost a year ago was when I experienced step 1 first hand
Step 1

We admitted we were powerless over our addiction and that our lives had become unmanageable

I finally realized that I can't control my addiction. I also went to treatment which really helped

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Thanks for sharing and being vulnerable too

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Congrats. One year and going.

To be fair I was still smoking weed and couldn't quit that until I went to treatment in October so technically my clean date is Oct 16th 2023. And no problem anytime , you will get there one day, don't quit before the miracle happens :slight_smile: