
The intrusive thoughts are so intrusive and I just want a drink to stop them :sob:

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Hi Astrid, I totally understand this feeling. I self medicated my anxiety and intrusive thought for a really long time. I do have proper mental health care now but the biggest change came from controlling my thing. It is still a work in progress. Meditation of different forms has helped a lot. Stay strong and get connected to people in your community or online.


Hate it too

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Hi Astrid, I am struggling tonight also here is a song that is helping me get through it.

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Thank you! I know this is part of my battle. Fortunately it’s the end of day 5 for me and hopefully tomorrow will be better


Ok, so lay down place a hand over your heart :heart: we’re not going to run from them, if you do they will chase you, I imagine it as little echos of the past that never got herd or a voice sometimes there new and it’s fears none the less close your eyes and say I’m here for you I’m listening it’s ok and start speaking the thoughts out loud just fallow it you might cry scream or both it’s ok


They are only thoughts not action

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I made it. Now it’s time for some tea that will hopefully lull me to sleep.


Hi Astrid great suggestions. Been sober a while so got a few little hacks. See if one helps. First of all, imagine our mind snd emotions as a beautiful lake with shallows, and deep places, maybe even rocks and rapids. When we damage ourselves with drugs n alcohol, unhealthy practices n abusing brain n body, its like sticking a huge immersion blender down from the sky into our quiet lake, all the floating ducks, peaceful swans n lily pads get chewed up n driven away n the effects n destruction still linger after we stop “using”, causing leftover echoes, vibrations of violent memories, trauma and out of control emotion. Agitation.
We have not had the time to even uncover a lot of the leftover wreckage, much less heal
It yet. So as was mentioned, realize this process takes time. And patience. Apply self care, soft music, baths or showers, herbal tea, light exercise, meditation, and prayer to a Higher Power if you have gotten there yet. Any combo of things that soothe the raw wounds still needing time. Easy does it. And know that you deserve and NEED to give yourself this time to rewire your nervous system, and your conscious n unconscious mind. Get outside held, therapy, counselling etc. You are worth the investment of time n energy n yes, self love. Please be patient with yourself. Journal n share with a sober friend who believes in you. You are not alone. Wishing you a beautiful 24 n Im gonna tuck one in my heart too. Feels good. Rest well. We got ya! Sky B Sober Nation xo​:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::sunglasses::white_heart::pray:t4::woman_in_steamy_room::fire:🪶:rainbow:🦬:hibiscus::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Hi Astrid, my first couple weeks of sobriety were tough, and finding and focusing on the most simple things got me through it. I used Journaling my thoughts until I was tired of writing then getting as much sleep as possible. I was using medication prescribed by my Dr for sleep and anxiety and both worked well. I hope this helps. Hang in there, the mental rewards and boost in self esteem with self control are right around the corner!!

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Pray to your higher power. I too battle with intrusive thoughts and feel there is no better way than to give it to my higher power. Journaling is also a good way to give it away. There is something therapeutic and beautiful about putting ink to paper. I don’t know if this helps but I hope it does. Praying for you

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Astrid, you’re not alone. I’ve had to deal with my addict mind cannibalizing me my whole life and especially when I was early in sobriety.
Don’t worry it gets much better🙏.
I still use all the tools to get my peace. Overwriting my thoughts with prayer, meditation, reading program, literature, service work, going to meetings and physical activity. No medications ever worked and more booze just made it worse, louder and faster repetition. 
I’m here if you want to talk.

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Thoughts are just thoughts..never act out on them instead surrender those intrusive thoughts to the Most High..

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