Stuck in a cycle

I tried methadone, don’t feel like it helped at all. Can’t stay off fent long enough to get on subs, so I can get the sublacde shot. What to do? I’m so over this!


Possibly check into an ER. They have detox meds, as well as 24/7 medical supervision. You need to get over the hump, which is so much easier with proper medical attention. Just helped a good friend go go through it, took 4 different ER’s to find the right insurance/need/detox unit, etc. But she’s 36 days clean now. Maybe call a local treatment center and ask them for advice. That’s how we found the ER that worked.


Good luck. It isn’t easy, but you know how terrible it is being high then dope sick then around again and again on that cycle. Hang in there, it’s worth the effort.

Go to a detox and then rehab.

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Detox rehab pray

Good morning Kristen,

Have you tried to go to detox then to a PHP in an IOP program?

I don’t have advice, but wanted to say I’m proud of you for recognizing that you need more help and what you notice as being where.
It takes bravery to go through this and I believe in you

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I guess I should elaborate. It’s not that easy to just up and go to detox when you have a full time job and family…. Nobody knew for a long time. It was a huge secret until I finally told my mom. I don’t have family to keep the kids or pay the bills.

I was stuck in this same cycle could t stop working had my family and kids and just always thought I could do it eventually on my own. After hundreds of tries in my own detoxing Fent and never making it i realized that if I don’t go and detox away from everything I am going to lose everything anyways. I was able to get medical leave at work go to detox for 5 days and found help with the family. It wasn’t easy and I had to end up failing behind a little on bills but in the long run it saved me more money than I lost that week. There never a better time than now to do it. I wasn’t someone who could detox on the outside on my one. Because when it got tough I always caved and got something. I always used the excuse of I need it so I can work so I don’t get fired or be helpful around the house or whatever. Now I am free and a better employee and family man than ever. It’s not easy but with some planning it is possible. It was the only way for me. I got out of detox got the sublocade shot and have not looked back best decision I ever made!

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