
My Chaplin in rehab gave me this quote. Even after getting sober I still struggle on a daily basis with trying to find meaning and purpose in my life.


I am not sure where you are in your journey, I am coming up on my one year anniversary after starting my sobriety journey a couple years ago. Sometimes I fall into this mindset, I believe anyone who suffers from an addiction has to take measures to retrain the brain so to say. We spent so long out of control, while being control freaks while allowing a foreign chemical to steer the boat of life. This new way of living feels off, and I tend to grasp at old habits to try to fix that ‘off’ feeling. As a practice now, I take a moment to remind myself this to shall pass, followed by action of working through it by reaching out, journaling, etc. The moments do come, where I feel the shift of slipping into a path that is fulfilling, and I take a moment to be grateful and recognize them too. I feel those moments more and more lately. I think it’d because of that practice, possibly?

That is so awesome!

For me, the only meaning and purpose that makes sense is to be loving & kind to everyone including myself. Service is love in action. Once I figured that out, everything got much easier.
I sponsor
