Suicide I want
Ready to leave
Have the means necessary
Not a joke
Why would you want that
Caryn please call a suicide hotline.
Are you ok??
No ma’am. I want to rest and never have to wake up. I’m 55 and my time on earth is done.
Don’t want to!
Please wait can we talk
Think about what ur doing , ur worth living! The lord has a plan for u. That’s why ur still here! Think about everything you’ve been through, we’ve all been through dark days and we’ve got through them . Ur loved. Look at all the people who have written to support u. Please sleep on it and when u wake up, think about what u have to live for. It will get better, I promise. Please reach out to someone
Hey man I've been there, it's not worth it! There's people out there that love and care about you!
I survived my suicide. And I'm glad to be here
Please tell us that you are ok. We are all here for you
caryn- 1-800-273-8255
Good. Ty.
I'm sorry you're hurting, Caryn. Your life is worth living. Please call 800-273-8255.