The cravings r big today i only recently got over

The cravings r big today i only recently got over a week sober and seems like thats when i fall back into it and advice on keeping away? Ive cut people off that would wanna get it from me and everything might just be a mental thing maybe ill just keep busy today


A WHOLE WEEK is HUGE!! This moment will pass and yes move a muscle change a thought. Sometimes it’s an hour or even a minute at a time. Fear goes over there for today.


Prayer and inner reflection always helps me


A week is a big deal for me as well, with cravings the only thing that ever works is “the answer is out not in” meaning try to find a way to put you effort going out from you, call a sober person, sing, work out, serve in some way…or something like that where you aren’t feeding the compulsion to continually “need more” being brought into yourself

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Cravings are actually normal from time to time especially in early sobriety. Try some dark chocolates or sweet fruit like oranges. You got this!

I got sober 31 days ago after struggling for years - I’m on naltrexone and gabbapentin - I haven’t had more than a fleeting urge in 31 days - talk to your doc.

Howard, be strong hun. The cravings will diminish as time goes on. Just hang on a little longer. If you need any of us, we are always here. :heart:

A TikTok rabbit hole is nice to pass time when craving

Prayer, go to as many meetings as possible in the beginning, share what you're going through don't be a wallflower,if you aren't in the book start meeting up to do that,get a number list and talk to people. Try not to spend too much time alone isolating by yourself. I know it's uncomfortable talking to new people but get comfortable being uncomfortable. Keep going! Good job on over a week

U all r amazing thank u for the advice and the kind words the struggle is real but it’s not gonna get me down thanks everyone I appreciate you all

Find a way to stay busy. Go for a walk. Keep telling yourself that you only have to avoid one drink. The first one. Keep doing that until the cravings pass.

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