The days are counting down till I have no choice

The days are counting down till I have no choice but to start the path to soberity ans it scares the hell out of me

It’s up to you young lady. Either you want a new life or don’t.


Hey girl, don’t over think it. It’s honestly not as scary as we build it up to be in our minds. You got this! :hugs:

You do have a choice. You can take it to the bitter end or you can get sober & embark on the greatest adventure of your life.

If it is a fear of health consequences, schedule an appointment with an addictionologist.

Counting down to when?

It's time for a better life just scared its been a year and half on this road now

Thank you and yes its going to be a tough road to get sober but it will be easier then if I don't

Not death but it will definitely feel like it to my heart

Thank you its just been a year and half on this road its scary to go back to life without it

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It's time so many reasons I need and want to just scares me is all

Im just scared of the withdrawals the sickness of not having it and going back to life with out it its been a year and half of every day using

Today last day tomorrow starts the soberity

Well prayers go out to you.

I’ve been through it. Happy to message privately to discuss my path

You may want to quit counting down the days because there will come a day you will have no more days to count! Death from this disease is TRUE. My kids Mom had a few months of sobriety. Just enough to save her life. She had a second chance at life. It only took 18 months and she did not wake up. This is Serious Shit!! So you may want to get off your Ass and help yourself now. I’d did in 1984. It is continuous sobriety! Your the only one that can do this!!

Yes YEs YES! ... BRAVO SIR. O2-28-2OO2

I was scared too. I’m glad I had the balls to take back my life :pray:t2::heart:


MJ, the guy who co-founded this website and is the face of it, is fond of saying you don’t have to “hit bottom”. You reach the bottom when you stop digging.

So you don’t have to wait for jails and institutions. Sure detox sucks. Most everyone on this site has detoxed. Some multiple times from multiple things. A friend of mine started with alcohol. A few weeks later she removed opiates. A month after that she said goodbye to Xanax.

You didn’t get to where you are in a day or a month. But you can turn it around and start working towards freedom from your drug of choice whenever you’re ready. The beginning is physically uncomfortable. Then there’s some emotional discomfort. Then you start the work cleaning up the damage you’ve done, and coming to terms with the trauma you’ve suffered, and soon you’ll be looking at days like yesterday and today in disbelief. You won’t be able to comprehend the fact that you were afraid to give the feelings that you have right now up.