The demon

Alcohol is everywhere just like Satan it's glamorized in the media and advertising is everywhere. My demon is alcohol it's very hard to exorcise this demon any suggestions I've been through detox and rehab and really want to quit and have for periods of time .Really need a good accountability partner in my area which is West Tawakoni Texas!


Address what leads you to drinking...boredom/loneliness/pain...and you'll be in a better place.

I do on a daily basis

Have you heard of HALT? Hungry Angry Lonely Tired. Don't make any decisions when you are in any of those states. Get a strong support geoup around you. They different things and see what works for you. Maybe try meetings journaling theraphy exercise meditation just some examples.


I have the print out of it

Have you tried A.A.?

Yes I was going to the 24 hour club downtown Dallas

They have medication that helps with cravings. Naltraxone or Vivitrol is an injection. Talk to your dr..vivitrol is saving my life.

I'm on vivatrol

Fina whatever recovery program works for you, cravings are strongest in the beginning but they do subside but never completely go away. If tempted to drink play the tape forward and think about what will likely happen that helps me now