The desire to drink/use has returned. just began my 9th

the desire to drink/use has returned. just began my 9th step and ive been taking my foot off the gas. also, the romantic interest went another direction. lonely and feeling like i’m going nowhere. no amount of calling others or service stuff or lifting weights is changing anything


Feel you my friend.
Meditation and reading.
Playing piano.
Learning an instrument
Anything to keep you distracted and focus in you and your better health and sanity

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Ever heard of the book of four agreements?
Good read.
Also. Another just breathe.

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yes i have read it. until the promises come true i have to distract myself as much as is needed. won’t work forever, but for right now it’s enough

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read living sober

Where is your higher power in all this? Steps 1 through 8 address the listlessness we get when we are taking the 9th step.

My higher power is myself with the help of who you believe is your power yourself.
Pray and ask for help in you believe is your higher power.

One day at a time.
I am getting my daughter and friend from open volleyball but I have a simple saying when I get home.

Be impeccable with your words.
Take nothing personally
Dont take things personal.
Do you best.
4 rules to live with.
Everything is will fall I place.
I forgot these rules and now I remembered and things get smoother.

Ok. That’s cool. I was asking Alex. Since he’s working the A.A. program.

well all these fear correspond to a lack of faith ultimately. I had to reach out and sacrifice time for some newcomers. bring it back to basics. things have turned around since i posted this!

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So do you normally drink to soothe in a break up? If so think of it as this is just a pathway in my mind and we haven’t been here in sobriety yet! How do I want the new me to Handel this situation. So I used strange things, I always had mouthed exs now I say it worked till it didn’t, I used to party and drink so my first break up I played cards with my kids, picked a show cried felt my feelings and got up after a day or two. I don’t have any contact, deleted blocked I don’t review rewind all the things went in the trash any momentos photos all the things. Help yourself get up and let go it doesn’t have to be a negative. We’re just taught it does. What’s your new way gonna be, the old way self distruct and not love yourself bc someone didn’t chose you so do more damage or give yourself compassion and love?