The First Day

It's time to find out what sober Krista is like. I really hope I like her more.



Good luck on your new journey! Trudge with us.

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Thanks, Josh! I'm terrified.


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I didn’t think I’d like sober me but listen I love the sober me, I don’t think I’ve ever been happy until now!

Hi, be patient and kind to sober you. You’ve been through a lot.

Thank you so much for your kind words.

Thank you for your response. Sober me hasn't existed for 38 years. I'm curious to see how this reunion unfolds.


Welcome to the journey! Just take the time to get to know you before casting judgement! For me… I am a much better and kinder man sober. And my family thinks so as well.

Thank you

Welcome and keep it up!

I wasn’t sober for 43 years. Today I have over 3 and 1/2 years clean and sober and I feel like I am living for the first time in my life. Hang strong, just for today!

Thank you Bob. I appreciate the encouragement. How is your journey going?

Thanks Krista for asking. Having ups and downs but getting somewhat better

Some days you may not like sober you more, but I can say, those days will get shorter and smaller. You’ll start to see the benefits of sober you, and when you start seeing the impact that you have on others by being sober and accountable, it will make you LOVE the sober you!

You will. And you will learn to forgive the old you.