The irony

I thought I was doing good after 7 weeks sober but I found myself considering ending everything by ODing on prescription meds. I’ve never felt this way sober. 2 mornings in row, it’s not the being sober, it’s the situation I’m in, dug the whole too deep when I was drinking and having a heck of a time as there is no rope to pull myself out of it, not even a rock to grab.

I did catch myself thinking about this, did meetings and counselor but the uncertainty of my future is driving me absolutely crazy


Go to AA meetings , get a sponsor , read big book , do the 12 steps , don’t have the first drink . Doing these things will show you the way to live happy free from alcohol and or drugs . First go to a meeting and find a sponsor who will guide you . Life gets way better as you journey a sober life with help


It’s never too late brother, I’m 2 years clean and never going back. I know exactly how you feel but trust me it will get better. Promise me you won’t do that, you have value left to give. It starts by getting outside yourself. Start writing out your thoughts so they’re not ruminating. Please promise me you’ll stop talking like this. I don’t know you, or do I? Ive been there bro, don’t give up. There’s a whole world out there with people that care, go throw a rock and you’ll find one.

Good morning Mike I’m sorry to hear you are struggling. It is tough when we put down the drink or drug now we are filling our emotions.

I’m here if you need to talk.

How are you feeling today?

Stick around Mike, we need you. Sorry for these struggles, try to make baby steps and be glad for them in the direction you'd like to go.

Thank you, feeling better today, thoughts have dissipated and my daughter came to visit me so that was an awesome surprise… thanks again appreciate it


That is wonderful news. I’m so happy for you. Proud of you.

So glad she came to visit! Stay strong, it will only get better :blush: