The last couple weeks have been hard ive been trying

The last couple weeks have been hard ive been trying to act ok but inside im a mess ive tried reaching out and i still feel so lost n feel like im falling more and more into this black hole that is consuming me the real me but i wake up everyday and try again bc i know i cant give up as much as i want to.


Hello Amber. Hang in there and keep fighting. Stay strong

You got this!!!!!!

Hi Amber, talk to a sponsor. Go to meetings. I have been seeing a psychotherapist for some time now. It really helps the soul, getting professional help is is much needed and helps me when I want to quit and give up and go to my DOC. Talking to anyone but family or spouse will help you out ALOT. Stay strong

Hang in there.....I find in person meetings work for me when all else fails. Sending prayers your way :pray::pray:

Yep I understand been there I try many different recovery ways to cope and even saying the serenity prayer till what ever I'm going through passes and later I'm grateful I did and I hope that was helpful 🫂

Recovery is hard if it was easy everyone would do it. Take it one day at a time if that's to much take it one min at a time dont let life over whelm you. Meetings are always a great help or journaling helps me a lot. Good luck stay strong🙏