The meeting I attend

Tonight I left my meeting early. Not because I had to go somewhere important or anything but because I got tired of hearing the same stories over and over. They say to always put principles before personalities but in the meeting I go to it’s quite the opposite. Tonight was the business meeting and even though a lot of people attended, a lot left with either frustration or they were angry at something or some one. I’m struggling on whether or not to stay at this meeting or find another one to go to for a bit that I can hear different perspectives on sobriety and others stories that I can get something out of. Anyone else find it difficult to stay in a meeting where this happens?

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Yes. Those are the signs I look for in a toxic meeting. I moved out of an entire town to a new place because the only meeting hall available was so toxic. All you described and 13th Steppers galore. No thank you.

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I have finding myself exasperated when the meeting turns into a religious event, with 5% sobriety and 95% religion. For some reason the same meetings do this over and over so I have stopped going to those ones. I'm lucky to have a ton of different meetings to pick from here in Cleveland.