The Struggle is Real, Pt. 2

So sorry for your loss. Praying you were able to stay strong through this very difficult time :pray:

I’m so sorry for your loss. Today is heavy, but you’re not alone. Take it one moment at a time, and let yourself feel whatever comes. Sending you strength and love.

Sorry for your loss, I'm looking at the pure love in your photo :heart: do it sober for yourself and for him. You'll look back on today and know that you were fully present to be there for your dad and to start the process of the grief. He is so proud of you and a parents love never just disappears. It is too strong and ancient, the first true love of the world. Sobriety is so hard but it's a gift to feel and to live and to be here in the world. Be extra gentle on yourself the next few weeks but reach out if you feel like picking up a drink. Because sober you is able to honor your relationship with your father in a way that numbing it out only delays and compounds the hurt and pain. Stay safe.

Praying for you, April!

I'm sorry :disappointed:
I'll definitely be keeping you in my thoughts, and sending you and your whole family prayers

I’m so sorry for the loss of your Dad. Thoughts and prayers of peace be with you.:pray:

You will prevail. I did. It's awful, painfully excruciating, but we pull through sober and clean. He is with you. Never doubt that.