The Struggle is Real

April Lynn, my pops was my best friend in the world and died in a motorcycle accident when I was 10 months sober. No goodbyes just gone.
I definitely leaned into AA/NA/CA meetings, got a sponsor, did the steps and service.
No need to wreck myself and prolong the pain of losing my dad.
You can do it too.
I’m totally here for you. I’ll friend request you now.

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Thank you everyone! I respect the honesty. Straight up. I have an appointment with my new counselor next week, and I started looking into and attended an online meeting(s). I’m going to call my local Red Project on Monday to see about getting a Recovery Coach/Sponsor.

@april316432 I'm praying for you and your family.

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My dad passed away this morning. So thank you. I’m so thankful for you all.


@april316432 My deepest condolences to you and your family.
Add me let's talk and mourn together.

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Call me! ASAP

I’m so sorry you are going through this transition of your Dads spirit. I fear the same thing. Know that this is only a transition for him, his spirit is just leaving his earthly body and going to a better place. He will be able to visit :heart:
You may want to seek counseling for this, there is no shame in it. I go to therapy. 🫂

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Umm why?

I’m so sorry for your loss. I remember being told that there’s nothing that using won’t make worse. Reach out!

Hi honey, so glad you’re reaching out during this time. I’m flying back to California for my Moms funeral next week I’m having a lot of emotions, writing helps , if u can go to AA that might help. I’ve been in AA along time it saved my life .

I’m so sorry that you are going through this I know that it’s painful loosing someone you love you are reaching out and that’s a start to getting the support that you’re going to need there are so many people that care I was reading the posts and I feel the love from everyone your talking about doing a couple of things that are going to help you got this your finding your strength stay strong :pray:t3::blush::sparkles:

You did it! You quit! So, keep it up! I have a feeling you'll be fine. Prayers up!