The struggle is real

I am struggling to stay clean everytime I get clean I do good for a couple days then back at it again I really want it but something keeps bringing me back :sob:


Let's talk about it

Let's do because I want to be clean and actually stay clean


Jessica you can do this with support! Plenty of amazing ppl on this site can help.

Have you been going to meetings? Do you have a sponsor? Making these contacts can help you by being accountable to them until you are capable of being accountable to yourself

You have to want to want it! Wishing you happiness on your journey!

Remember why you want to stay clean, and that your drug of choice doesn't provide any benefit for you. You can joyously be free from addiction, I know it.

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I’m struggling as well love message me if you need a friend

Getting involved in recovery communities has kept me from relapsing this time around.
I was a chronic relapser and was convinced I was bound to die or go back to jail from substances and completely gave up on life. I was making horrible sketchy decisions and am lucky I didn’t kill myself or someone else. I got tired of living a dirty life that I wasn’t proud of. Everything revolved around substances and I wanted my power and hope back. When I got sober, I made a PROMISE to myself that I was DONE. And I took it extremely serious. I made a schedule of every thing I was going to do for my recovery every day, and I kept my commitments. I go to some sort of recovery group every single day, even if I don’t feel like it. The recovery community has saved my life and transformed my perspective on what it’s like to live a life worth living in my eyes. I never put emphasis on implementing connection with other people in my life during my other attempts at getting sober. Now that I have, everything is different for me.
I know that was a long a$$ post. But that’s what has worked for me and a little of my story. I hope it helps. We do recover!!!!

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Message me any time.
Also, recovery groups don’t have to me AA or NA. There’s soooo many other kinds of meetings and events. Even if you live in a remote location, there are zoom communities as well.

I been sober for ten years I used to drink a gallon a day of whiskey vodka brandy and some other strong drinks for many years I wish we can have a video meeting so that we can talk about it I am not good at texting but I can tell you that it is possible to quit drinking if you really want to I did it and so can you