There’s still no forgiveness for what I did in the

There’s still no forgiveness for what I did in the past. She hasn’t forgiven me, just as I haven’t forgiven myself. Even now, I’m working hard to improve and correct all the mistakes I’ve made. Despite my efforts to change, I still struggle with the damage I’ve caused and the fact that I haven’t yet found forgiveness for myself.


Try to give yourself grace. No one is perfect! Do you go to counseling? That helps me. I also like to think that all the shitty things that happened led me to exactly here and now, where I am sober and have hope for the future for the first time in 10 years. Hugs.

I'm in the same boat. I lost everything a guy could ask for.. A house on the water, an amazing dog, a boat, and a beauty woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I lost it all over drinking gambling and lying about it. I will never for give myself for the mistakes I made. But now that I'm sober. I feel a lot better, but the grieving is still heavy. She will never forgive me either. We just have to find a way to move on.. keep your chin up, man.:facepunch:

Hang in there man. Time takes time. At the end once you can forgive yourself and live a productive sober life, things have a way of working out. Living amends is plenty sometimes. Forgiveness is an act of grace and that’s ok sometimes. Get some serenity and peace in your life and things will start to get back in place. There is a new life ahead of you. Embrace it and enjoy

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Thank you, man.I'm doing the best I can.It's just a lot going on.I'm doing okay and I'm taking it time by time.Luckily is the weekend for me?So I am gonna definitely enjoy myself in rest

I'm currently getting the support that I need.I wish it's out of a really big vegetation center and I'm back out.Just gotta do what I gotta do.But yes I did had counseling