Think i just decided I dont want to care anymore

Think i just decided I dont want to care anymore. I dont really want to try so hard anymore. Im too tired.


Hey Liz!!! What going on??

Liz you there?

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We’ve all been there Liz. Sometimes it feels easier not to care, and that’s ok but it’s important we don’t do anything destructive when we’re in that state of mind. Then we’ll just have more sh!t to deal with down the line….

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Girl I felt this in a whole another level. And I know how you feelm please message me any time :heart: we will get through this together

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Hi, Liz. Total normal emotion. Take some time to recoup. Get your mind and body in order. Choose a nap, a dat to binge watch TV, eat whatever you want, and then come back to whatever you need to handle. Deep down I don't think you want to quit. Instead, you need a break. Take the break- and keep me posted on how you're doing. :grin: