About this past Wednesday. Not feeling it as in careless... I must reflect to correct. So what had happened was...
On Wednesday, I relapsed, most would call it a slip up, but when dealing with fentanyl, all it takes is one time. I was reminded of this as I woke up thursday morning in a hospital. The truth is I was trying to inject, and i'm pretty sure the guy who took me to the dope spot took my needles out of my bag. He did not shoot up and we spoke a lot about how stupid that was yet.He knew that was my intent. I thank God that he did. I don't imagine any possibility in which I would have survived injecting that stuff, especially having only shot up once in the past four years.
The five hundred days that I threw away of clean time means little. The trust that I fractured and lives I affected and put in jeopardy are a different story.
I wasn't in my right mind. I was delusional from lack of sleep off and on for weeks.Yeah that's no excuse. Had, I worked the steps more had I worked on my spirituality, harder, my mental health and my sobriety, I imagine this could have been avoided.