This is the first family vacation I have been on

This is the first family vacation I have been on since getting sober. This involves a lot of going out to eat and things like that. There is alcohol obviously everywhere. I know I cannot drink with my mom around but that doesn’t stop me from plotting a way to get away alone. I’m just feeling a lot of temptation. Does anyone have any advice on how to deal with this type of situation ? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!


I wouldn’t go if you don’t think you can abstain.

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I’m already here :confused:

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Have a distraction like this app or things that you can read that you find encouraging and inspirational. Or someone you can talk to.

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How did you do?

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It’s going ok. I’m here until Saturday lol

I always look up a local A.A. meeting schedule wherever I travel. I also stay in contact with my sponsor and friends in the program.


How are you holding up?

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Yes! I second this! Find you a meeting ASAP!


Thank you I didn’t even think of this. I know that sounds stupid but thank you

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I am doing ok. I have actually been trying to work on my fourth step while I’m here. Which I’m also struggling with. This being sober is hard sometimes

Anything worth having is!

You know ur healthy boundaries now. Some day you will be able to go out and enjoy but not right now.

I haven't listened to music in over 5 months. It's a trigger for me. Someday I'll be able to though. 1 Sec at a time

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Hey, no big deal. We spent a lifetime learning how to get wasted. We’re only now learning how to stay sober :grin:. One day at a time

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