This sober thing is hard!

My carvings are through the roof! I’m 27 days sober and hopefully can make it to 30 days! I’m doing so many online meetings to keep me one track. Needing some positive vibes! :cry:


Hey Tonya.. I do the same thing.. I immerse myself in zooms and in person as I can get there. I have a couple close.. .just getting ready to start back work Monday... If you ever need to talk friend and chat me ok?

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If you got 27 days you will get 30. Just repeat it out loud to yourself. It hold you more responsible for your actions and it’s harder to break a promise you put out into the world

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You can do this Tonya :heart: besides meetings have u started to explore the underlying feelings of why you were drinking? Reach out if u wanna chat

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One day at a time sister. Sometimes, one hour at a time. In person meetings are wildly helpful, any chance you can get to one? It doesn’t hurt to create a list of things that you enjoy doing to keep your mind/body active and occupied (yoga, reading, bubble bath, walking, coffee, knitting, etc)


Thank so much!

So much truth! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

You’re 100% right! It’s the PTSD that I don’t want to face.

Hey @sarah141217! Thank you! Unfortunately, my anxiety gets the best of me. Going to in person is something I’m working on.