Thank you Florida Medicaid. For changing laws that now prevent my counselor from being my counselor. You just destroyed my motivation and hope. My counselor was the ONLY person I could talk to. Literally the only one. I don't have friends. I can't talk to my family. Can't talk to my bf. And now I can't talk to the only counselor I've ever had that made me feel understood and not weird. In fact she made me feel valid. Seen. Heard. Safe. Comfortable. She felt more like a best friend vs a counselor. I'm devastated. My therapy app (Affect) said they promise to find someone just as great. But I doubt that's possible because I've had other counselors throughout my life and she's the only one I've connected with on this level. And it took me 10-15 years to find her. But I'm supposed to believe affect can find someone so easily ? Pft nope. I skipped group therapy yesterday. And I'm probably going to skip one-on-one tomorrow. I just don't see the point right now. Maybe after I'm over the disappointment and frustrations, I'll feel differently. But today. I feel done with therapy. And not because I've learned everything I can and it's time to move on. I wish. No clean time to report today. I ruined that weeks ago and haven't found my way back yet. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe next week. Maybe never. Who knows. God knows.
I just don't understand why there always has to be another hurdle... Everytime I clear one and start picking up speed. Boom. another hurdle. I'm sick of jumping over these obstacles. I'm sick of running this race. I just want to watch from the fan stand for a bit pray for me