Thought about Using

Thought of using tonight. After 2 years 7 months. I didn’t. Going through a difficult breakup period, and I know this is just my disease wanting me to change how I feel. It feels like such a waste of my last 2 years. Everything I’ve invested, all the time spent, it all feels pointless. Plus, now I have the fear creeping back in. Fear of not finding someone again, fear of not being worthy of love. I need to restore my faith in my HP. Just want to get that out of the old echo chamber so it’s out there in the open.


It may help to connect with other sober people right now, and shake up your routine a bit so you don’t have as many triggers. Stay focused on your why!

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Honesty like that tells me you still have a lot of faith left in you. I get the fear. Been dealing with it myself. But this too shall pass.

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