Thought getting clean would help…

Things will get better. Stay the course!

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Took you how many years to walk into that forest, Bud? 2 months is a great achievement. At 2 years, I'm still not able to mend a lot of relationships I wanted back in 2 months. Focus on you. Get a sponsor. Do the steps. Join a home group. Do some service. Everything thing else will work itself out.


You’re welcome there aren’t any in person near me either so the online has been great. If you’re able to start one that would be great :blush:

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There's a reason I try to be sober. It's so I can see my life, my situations clearly. I'm able to think with a head that's on straight and can easily be on a level swivel.

Isn't that what you want, Robert?

Sure, there will be hard realities to confront. I did a lot of damage in my relationships with others, and maybe others crapped on me, but I can't dwell on that; to do so would only drive me back to the bottle and that's not a solution.

Hang in there and work on yourself right now. Have patience and perseverance. One day you'll wake up and notice, "Fck me, I feel free!"

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