Today I Fight

As I sit here at this red light after being up all night. I have found myself in this situation to many times of getting no sleep and having to go to work IM DONE I’ve FINALLY HAD ENOUGH! I’ve had enough of the people in mine and my children’s lives to speak negatively about me in front of my girls and always calling my problems out when they have the same issues. Today is the day I surrender, I ask for forgiveness and I submit my life back to the Lord in the name of Jesus. It’s not going to be easy because when I went into rehab 3 yrs ago I had nothing I was so broken, confused , lost and I was a junkie. Today I am an addict that has relapsed and I’ve got a good job I’ve got bills but most importantly I’ve got 3 beautiful girls that need there mama more than anything. So everyone I’m going to ask you alls advice on doing it without rehab I knw the recovery meetings, and staying in my Bible and praying and crying out to God. If anyone WLD like to share anything else that you think WLD help me pls feel free to let me know. I pray for each and everyone of yall that will read this as well . :pray:


I WLD absolutely love that

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Thank you for sharing! I’m praying for you and your little girls🙏

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So proud of your decision!! It won’t be easy but it can be done!! Get a sponsor that’s close to where you live and have them on speed dial!! It will work!!

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You know what you do. Just do it. If not for you . Do it for those girls who need you

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I too went to rehab. After 46 days I got out and made my sobriety my number one priority. I attended AA, NA, and CA meetings, got a sponsor, worked the steps, came to believe in a power greater than myself and did service. I’ve just begun my 36th year of continuous sobriety- one day at a time. There is a solution. Best to you


Thanks buddy🙏

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How do I put my picture for my profile :laughing: I can’t figure it out it want let me do it for some reason?

Surrender is key

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