Today I’m struggling with my inability to assimilate into a

Today I’m struggling with my inability to assimilate into a world. I’ve never been a part of. As a person that’s always dealt with early trauma, I’ve always connected, mainly with people who are also struggling with early trauma and these days I’ve tried to socialize in more positive circles and I still, feel alone in a lot of ways.
I’m looking for the bridge to gap the two worlds


I feel you. I always feel like I’m hiding the most important parts about myself.


It takes time. :pray:

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Same here

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Les, change is an adventure. It’s constant and we adjust with grace or resistance. I look to be of service unconditionally and it works for me. I try to look for the positive aspects and when I do, I always find them.
I remember that acceptance is the key to peace.
I hope this helps🙏