Today is a pretty rough day

Today is a pretty rough day, I have been on Xanax and ambien for years now and recently got into medical marijuana to try and help alleviate some symptoms from COVID related losses and all hell broke loose after that. I am trying to get back to my old self and feel like myself again but today was rough

The night ahead is long and dark and I’m afraid of what might come during the night. I’m already having sweats and shakes, I’d love your stories or suggestions on how to deal and cope and what worked for you and what didn’t

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Hang in there. I feel you.


Dude I was there a year ago when I was first getting sober... best advice I can give you is pray and reach out🙏🏻

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Go to a rehab. If you are serious and gave insurance. Best thing you can do. All you need is an open mind and reason to quit. If you are not working on your sobriety you are working on your relapse


Hi friends, just wanted to see if anyone was up and just check in. I wanted to ask if anyone has ever been to rehab for Xanax and ambien, and or anything else? What does it entail and about how log before you felt better? Inpatient or outpatient ?

I have not.

Hi Alex. You stated you're trying to get your old self back. That's good to hear. What are doing to be back to the old good life? Are you looking into treatment?

Hi I am talking to therapists and I made a breakthrough or what feels like one and realized that one person in my life was making my stress levels surge