Today is the day that they admitted my mom into

Today is the day that they admitted my mom into her long stay at the hospital before she left all of us and passed away on 05/16/2023. It's like I'm counting down the days I knew then last year my gut told me that the outcome was not going to be good that she would not be coming home to us but also know that I am one of the biggest and only reasons that she left early I also predicted that when I started using meth about 7 years ago I told my mom and dad that she would be gone sooner than later that I was taking precious time off her life because of the hurt that I was putting her through. Because of my own struggles and the demons that I had on my back I know that I cost my mom her life how do I live with that how do I go on staying sober when it would just be so much easier getting high with all these unanswered questions


My condolences. My actions that were caused during my active addiction. I was controlled by the mineral obsession and the phenomenon of craving. Once I got clean and sober, I started working the 12 steps. I started digging down deep and getting out all that pain and regret and resentments that I’ve held on for years. When my brother was 21 years old, I told him I hated him, and I wish she would die. He was murdered at 21 years old, and I had continued to use for 9 more years. When I got three years sober, I buried my three years medallion at his grave, and made a living amends. Every day I continue not to pick up a drinker job I continue to make amends to my brother.

My pops passed away 5/15/23 I understand how you feel