Tough day

Ya know? It's hard to meet the expectations of others. I am still at work thinking about how different this particular situation could have turned out, but I try to keep my mind busy in hopes of a distraction. Maybe, for now, I just need to accept the fact that I am human. I WILL make mistakes, and that is okay. As long as I keep making progress, maybe, my need for perfection will eventually dwindle.


Expectations with out explanation is a resentment waiting to happen. And that could be us expecting too much of ourselves. Go back to the serenity prayer. That is a perfect mantra for situations like this.


Other peoples opinions are none of my business


It sounds like you're experiencing a tough day and feeling some pressure to meet the expectations of others. It's important to remember that making mistakes is a natural part of being human, and it's unrealistic to expect ourselves to be perfect all the time. It's great that you recognize the need to accept your mistakes and focus on making progress instead of striving for perfection.

It's also important to take care of yourself during these times. You might consider taking a break from work, getting some fresh air, or doing something that makes you happy to help alleviate some of the stress and anxiety you may be feeling. Remember that it's okay to ask for help or support from friends, family, or a mental health professional if you need it.

Take things one step at a time, and be kind and patient with yourself. You're doing the best you can, and that's all anyone can ask for.


A need for perfection will always fail you. A wise person has said, "expectation is the ruin of all relationships" and all is too finite a word but you get the point. As Homer stated above, Making mistakes IS part of the human experience and as addicts we need to take very seriously the importance of learning to forgive ourselves just as much if not moreso, than others.

Do not be too hard on yourself as it serves no good purpose. Learning from our mistakes is truly where the focus need be, lest we continue to repeat these mistakes.

Not, "maybe for now" ... rather for good, you must accept this! Attending meetings helps us to realize this as that issue is a pillar if you will, of our addiction.

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I can identify. I distinctly remember thinking, what the heck?? I’m sober and have been for a while now, I shouldn’t be making mistakes.
I needed to realize that I am only human and that mistakes are part of life.
It’s just that it was easier to say “I wouldn’t have done that but I’ve been drinking a lot”. Now I say i wouldn’t have done that but I was sober! Just doesn’t have the same ring :laughing:.


Here's to not having our sh*t together, and it turning out to be just fine! :purple_heart::muscle:t3:

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Love the reminder of the serenity prayer :pray:t2: thanks!

Thank you! The perfectionist in me will eventually fail me if I don't learn to accept my mistakes. And the same goes for giving grace to others when they inevitably make a mistake! @homer158013 definitely said it right, too! I need to learn to be patient and kind with myself. I can be my own worst enemy at times!

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