Trying again

What’s on my mind is this app might be full of it. Not saying that it is but the question was what’s on your mind and that’s what it was.

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Well it's good to be honest!..But I'm pretty sure that any of us on here that take our sobriety seriously, aren't going to steer you in the wrong direction. We're all in the same boat trying to help each other...I've been thru the struggle you're going thru...You having questions is a good start at reaching out. Keep on asking, lots of good people on here more than willing to help


I think you need to give this a better shot. This is just to help people with recovery and struggling. But you need more than just this. You need a full recovery team. Counselor, recovery coach and recovery team.


Day one is better than one day!


This app is great! If you're having a hard time putting down alcohol then I recommend a book, Alan Carr's quit drinking without willpower', that changed my life.

After reading your about me & post, what I hear is hopelessness. Most of us understand this because in one way or another we have felt just like that - what’s the use?
I have some questions I’d like to pose for you to think about. I don’t expect you to answer on this post but if you should gain some insight into yourself, your seasoned sponsor would be a good starting place for a conversation. In addition to a hopelessness, I sense some self-sabotage. Honestly looking at your insides, ask yourself, what are my fears about living sober? What will I have to give up? What will I gain? What will others think of me if I fail? Do I deserve to live a happy, joyous, free, & non-chaotic life? Can I survive living in peace? Is sobriety equivalent to eternal dull & boring life?

Have I ever experienced life where I felt completely at peace, completely loved, completely included, completely safe, completely grateful, completely joyful, completely content with my life? Do I want to live a life that is totally free, do I believe it is possible for me, am I willing to do whatever it takes to get to the mountain top- it is all climbing? When we coast we go down the mountain not up. For each living experience with a ‘no’ answer - ask why not? I am looking inside or outside of myself for a fix?
What are the emotional needs in my life that are not being met? What must I change (in addition to keeping the cork in the bottle, going to meetings, reading the Big Book) to move me from a position of hopelessness & failure to gratitude, joy, & success? We all need tremendous lifelong support on this freedom journey but our change must come from within. I pray you are able to use this app, your fellow travelers, and your local groups to gain all of the support, strength, and courage you need to walk alongside us to a fulfilling life.