Trying to find the good

Hi Kathy. Congrats on forwarding momentum it's inspiring and attracting you're very beautiful. Don't fall to pieces but stay together you got this! :heart:


Gosh I just butchered your name.. sorry Cathy :kissing_heart:

Yes focusing on your own well being is number 1 and surrounding yourself & communicating with like minded individuals a must. As far as people in your small town being judgmental :fu:during your recovery you and how you feel about yourself should be your only focus. Sometimes people that have never been down this road only see us from there slim perspective and refuse to acknowledge anything other than their own. Friends, family and even lifelong relationships we have developed with others all have to be looked at. Does this person support me? Are they willing to hear me out? Be a shoulder to cry on? If not maybe it’s time to cut those people completely out. If some still want to talk either grow thick skin OR own whatever it is they are trying to use to hurt you. Like yeap I did that, I sure did I made all those mistakes and guess what they made me the badass I am today. Praying for you


Thank you very much and I’m trying

Thank you I really needed to hear that sometimes I feel like I’m so alone In this the closest Aa meeting is 50+ miles so I stick to virtual I go to in person meetings about twice a month bc I find I get more out of them than virtual but I’m trying to fight the good fight

Thank you so much for sharing. I’m so proud of you. Keep your head up. I understand that you are not alone anymore. We are all here to help support one another. Have a blessed day.

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Thank you so much

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Just keep at it, one day at a time.

I’m definitely keeping it one day at a time and this week I feel like I keep getting throat punched … just trying to be ok

My pleasure have an amazing day

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I just wanted to say thank you again to everyone who commented or sent me a pm your words truly do help!! One day at a time :two_hearts:

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You can do this!! I would highly recommend AA, it is a way of connecting to other like-minded people who won't judge you (and eff em if they do), and who understand exactly what you are going through! Praying for you! :pray:t2::heart:

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I live in a small town, understand the judgement and loneliness.💕

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I get it. Am from a very small rural background however live within a big city now. Being physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted I get. My door is always open if you need to just be YOU

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I hear you. Stay strong, reach out when you need to, and you can do this alcohol free life.

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I’m trying but keep getting knocked down

Keep fighting

Good lord knows
I am but the battle
Is almost over