Trying to find the good

First off I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday! I’m trying to keep a positive mindset really struggling just exhausted mentally physically and emotionally :black_heart: keeping a smile on my face trying not to fall to pieces living in a small town can be ridiculously challenging… so much judgment and loneliness… if anyone wants to connect and chat that would be great I think having people to talk to judgment free would do a lot of
Good for my mental health


I’m here

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And I’m so thankful for that

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It is so challenging

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Good morning dear things can be really tough do you go to meetings they will help build a descend amount of good sober friends I struggled with loneliness in the beginning UT the more time I got the more I got to know who I wanted to be and was and the stronger I realized the how important my relationship with my higher power is and now even when I'm alone I'm not lonely but it's nice to talk with like-minded people either way im always down to chit chat stay strong you got this

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I do virtual meetings the closest meeting is about 50 miles from me and yes that is very important

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Good Morning Cathy. You have a great Sunday also.

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Thank you

I live in a small town, too, and find it challenging. Want to do some zoom meetings together?

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Sure that would be great

Big towns can be challenging too, if I allow them to be.
I found that my thoughts and feelings are in my control. What people think or feel about me is none of my business! It’s what I think and feel about myself.
Emotional sobriety & true intelligence is ours to create. I try not to let others take my power. My power is my choice. I choose not to harshly judge others or myself and find my way to compassion or at least understanding that we all struggle and are simply human beings. It’s very simple but not always easy. It’s a practice.

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Keep it up. You are awesome

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Thank you

I needed to hear that thank you :two_hearts:❤‍🩹

Good all around! You are worth it!

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Love the smile

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Thank you so much

Aww now I have a bigger smile :blush:

Me too!

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Thank you all for your kind words and encouragement it truly goes a long way

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