Trying to stay sober

I have been battling addiction for the last 8 years. Started with Oxy for couple years and heroin for couple years and now fentanyl for the last couple years. I tried to be sober couple times over the years but never succeeded. I got to a point where I didn’t want to live like this anymore and had suicidal thoughts. I opened up to lot of people around me and been getting lot of support so I decided to man up and start trying to be sober again. Today was my first day being sober at work and I was able to make it but after work i failed. At least I did lot less than what I usually do. I feel like I am going in the right direction and I believe I can do this but trying to stay sober with no other medications other than vitamins and ibuprofen is really hard. I really hate withdrawals and how it makes me feel. If there is anyone out there that knows any home remedies to help with withdrawals please feel free to reach out. I been reading lot of posts on here and it gives me a lot of hope seeing how many people are going through the same problems and how many are getting better and staying sober. I was hesitant to post anything but I am hoping it’ll help. Anyone who’s trying to stay sober I know it’s hard but you can do it and I know I can do it. It’s not gonna be easy but I have to for my wife and daughter. I want to go back to the life I had before I was an addict when I was healthy and didn’t need drugs to get through the day. I wish nothing but the best for anyone who’s trying to stay and get sober. Good luck and know there are others out there who’s going through the same problem and wants to get better. Let’s get sober!!!!!

Thanks for sharing. Keep up the good work.

Thank you. Will do my best
