Ugh I feel crazy often when trying to be sober!

Ugh I feel crazy often when trying to be sober! Like telling myself I can handle less or drink normal sometimes and then freaking out and feeling ashamed. I am drowning in life struggles right now and just want to run away to my usual getaway …


Sara, that is normal. We all have that thought no matter how long we have. But we just have to give it up to our higher power of our own understanding and understand WE CAN NOT drink like normal people we have an obsession of the mind and an allergy of the body. And repeat that to yourself. I struggled with this two a lot, but I don’t want to die again. I won’t get a third go around. 🫶


Or, you can understand that alcohol is a very addictive substance. Like cocaine like sugar, like oxy ,like heroin., etc.

There are industries in this world that will sell you any of the above and all of the above. They have no interest in you other than what you spend on your addiction. I tend to think it’s not that you’re not normal. Anyone who does any of these substances to high degree will become addicted. It changes the chemistry of the brain. It causes cravings. There’s an incredible amount of neuroscience behind what drives an addict. So I try to think about all of the really fatly rich people that are trying to sell me alcohol? They don’t give a hoot about me so anytime I go to the store to get what I think I need, now I tend to think of it that somebody is just using me until there’s nothing left of me.


I understand

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I'm going through this same thing. I'm frustrated that I haven't completely accepted that I can't drink

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Try reading page 30 of the A.A. Big Book. It explains what you’re going through.

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I totally get it. The thing I'm working on remembering right now is that life struggles are soooo much easier without the usual getaway; it doesn't really get us away, it just reduces our ability to handle life.

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