Ugh why?

I’ve relapsed. I feel so stupid for even thinking I could drink socially and it not turn into something more. I feel like a failure. I want to be sober again but these intrusive thoughts are eating me up. I can’t turn them off despite everything I know about where this path leads. I just want to be better and do better. This one hurts. Praying for better days.


This happens to a lot of us so please don’t beat yourself up. What matters is you are back and trying again. Be kind to yourself, you can do this! 🩵


Good thing from the bad thing, now you know, without a doubt that you can't drink socially. Sometimes when experimenting, it's just as important to know what doesn't work as it is to know what does work.

Funny thing about "prayer", it's useless without putting in work. Maybe try building yourself a sober support system so you have people to talk to whenever you feel like drinking. Maybe try women's AA meetings. Find one that feels good to you, and go there.

Hang in there.


Been there done that. You're not alone.


Relapse is part of some of our stories. I have had a few in my time in recovery. One thing I always had to keep in mind is if you relapse, you may lose your time but the one thing you never lose is the progress you made during that time. Even if it’s small progress, progress is progress. Don’t beat yourself up. This is a marathon not a race. One of my favorite things I heard from an old timer is : “ stop trying to pole vault of mouse turds.” Try and think about what caused the slip and take it a part. A.C.E, accept, change, or eliminate. This will get you through any problem.


Haylee you can get it back, all you have to worry about is today :pray:t3:


If you think you additional help, then please check out Annie Grace!!! She’s great ! She has free YouTube videos & 2 books. The 1st one is called This Naked Mind & it’s VERY enlightening! The 2nd one is called The 30 Day Alcohol Experiment. She also has a free app called This Naked Mind Companion App. She also co-wrote a book about giving up nicotine if you want to give up smoking. Annie Grace is the BEST!!!


So now you realize what I did finally about myself.
I cannot drink like other people.
I suggest A.A. it worked for me.


Ugh ugh ugh, been there. So sorry your brain is working against you but glad you're here. I think we all wish there was a door 3 that didn't mean choosing between having and abstaining, but it doesn't seem to be an option for many of us. Thinking of you!


I know what you’re going through, and feeling the same myself. I guess we just wait pray and hope for a better day us

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I too completely understand. I went to a work conference this week, “only” had a few each night and feels like a success but who am I kidding. That said we can all bounce back right. You got this to bounce back. Surround yourself with positive people and vibes.

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Learn from our mistakes. And think it through next time about how you feel after. It’s not worth it. Hope today is better. Hugs :hugs:

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I'm so sorry for your relapse, I know it's awful. I hope you feel better real soon.

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Find God and a meeting :handshake:

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Give yourself a break and just go to a meeting. There's nothing you can do to fix the past but you have total control of this moment

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Great comments. Yes. Been there. Let's not let it define us. You are here. That's all that matters.


I thought the same thing as well. “As long as it’s social and in moderation” is always what I thought. My sober journey just began 8 days ago. It’s a struggle but we can do it together! I am here if you ever need to chat

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Haylee, you are not a failure my beautiful friend. Relapse is part of the journey and this does not define you as a person. This too shall pass. Keep putting one foot in front of the other, and take things one second at a time. Above all else - remember to be kind to yourself. :heartbeat:

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