Unemployed but not Unemployable

I was blindsided with a downsizing by my last employer on January 6th and am desperately in need of a new job. I don't qualify for Unemployment Benefits yet, so I literally have a $0.00 income to meet my Family's Household monthly expenses :money_with_wings:

If there's anyone within this Community who can help with networking, I would be exceedingly grateful :pray:

I am a Corporate, B2B Customer Service Professional/Customer Service Manager, but I will happily take whatever I can get!

I live in Lake Villa, IL. 60046 and am open to Remote Work.

My resume :page_facing_up: can be found on LinkedIn @ VINCENT (VINNY) VACCARO - Customer Service Manager - Angel Water, Inc. | LinkedIn

Thanks so much, Fam! :raising_hand_man:

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I'm sorry to hear that. I don't know what your pay requirements are. Have you considered an easy job while you can look for something permanent. I used to do HR for a national security guard company. Those big security companies will hire anyone with a clean criminal history and depending on location, pay decent.

Thanks. I'll see what's available. :+1:

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You're welcome. You can usually just walk in to the offices as well. Ask if they have openings, and they'll probably be like "plenty of openings"

Thank you so much for sharing Vinny.