Very emotional

I’m having a really hard time tonight I’ve been sober 6 days and that usually about as far as I get. I’m really in my mind I can’t stop thinking about everything I did wrong and how much better off my family would have been if I haven’t been so selfish for the last 10 years only worrying about myself. I could have did so much better.


With those feelings of guilt you have already started to make amends they see and You don't .read acceptance in the BB. all day if you must. Godspeed :heavy_heart_exclamation:Lindsay Sooner than you think you'll be the strength of your Family


If you can go to a meeting in person. If you can't find one online. Today is the day you make it through to day 7. You got this


All the above is good advice. Don’t dwell on the past. The steps will help you deal with that. You can’t fix 10 years of messing up in a few days or weeks. Pray.


Lindsay, it's true that our bad behaviors hurt people. Unfortunately, we can't undo that, as much as we want to. I struggle with this, too.

The way we make things better, make amends, is by staying sober, making better choices, and living the love we have for our loved ones. Picking up will only compound the pain we've inflicted.

Sobriety can be for them, to begin. I have a picture of the person I'd most like to not disappoint hanging where it's in my eye a lot. Maybe carry a picture of the one or ones you really want to not disappoint and look at it and remember the love when you're feeling low and struggling.

You can do this. If you can do six days, you can do sixteen, sixty, six hundred. I'm here for you. 🫂


Sorry to hear that you have all of this going on, I'm sure it doesn't help keep that feeling of wanting to drink away. My lord havecI've been there done all that, heck i still struggle. Being on the right meds, counseling, and attending SMART meetings also helped especially in those early days- but having a support system is extremely beneficial.

The world and everyone you know is a much better place with you in it, don't let those negative thoughts continue to tell you otherwise. Try not to think about the past (easier said than done) and try to focus one day at a time, heck if you need to, take it 1 hr at a time-sometimes that is what is needed. YOU know what you need/don't need and YOU know what may/may not work for you. Everyone has their own path and there are a ton of different options when it comes to support/tools.

I'm proud of you and you should be proud too! 6 days is amazing and 7 is just about there :tada:. Give yourself tons of grace right now my dear those first days and weeks are usually the hardest to get through. If you need an ear let me know :slight_smile:


Do something. If nothing else, go for a walk outside. Breathe the fresh air, see nature. It always helps me. I have 81 days.


Please forgive yourself - for everything. Your higher power forgives you and loves you unconditionally. When you forgive yourself, then you can love yourself. Then you can stop doing things that hurt yourself. Let go of the past. It’s over. It’s history. But please don’t let it affect your present, nor your future. Walk forward, with your head held high, as the new being that you are today.


With just a few days sober, you’re going to be emotional - that’s common. There’s a saying - “ the bad news, in recovery we have to feel our feelings. The good news, in recovery, we get to feel our feelings.” Feelings and emotions are temporary. They will go away. Focus on the positivity of today, and the hope for tomorrow.


Yes, 6 days is a lot of minutes. You are a miracle in the making and you are doing this! And feelings are the greatest things for us to have cause we drowned all that before, but yes at times it doesn’t feel like we want them because we stayed numb for so long. Reach out to me if you feel you need to talk, I’m here for you. :pray:


Thank you I really needed to her this today.

Thank you. I love the picture idea

Thank you

Hey my baby! The stuff ur feeling at the moment is totally normal for ur situation- WE HAVE ALL BEEN THERE! But luckily u don't have to hold all that by urself. Reaching out is THE ABSOLUTE BEST THING u can do rn! Connect with ppl in recovery- speak on ur truths- it'll take the power out of it. We feel stuff- we name it- then we ask our Higher Power to help us move THRU it. If u aren't there yet with a Higher Power- use the ppl in recovery as ur Higher Power until u r. We CANNOT AND DO NOT HAVE TO DO THIS ALONE! Don't give up- WE NEED U!

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Yay you got 6 days! That’s awesome :clap: it took me years to get 6 hours! Then I finally realized my sobriety is the easier & softer way. Yeah the initial part is too much thinking & super uncomfortable but way easier than being drunk or hungover in the sh€ittt house again.
Get a sponsor, do the steps and take it easy. And don’t drink or drug no matter what. Life will get way better!

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