Wanna get high so bad
Havent had a craving like this in a long time
Unless you were smoking just some weed try to stay strong and don't go get what you think you need because you know you don't need it just like I sit here drinking my beer knowing I don't need it but it still got its clutches on me but soon I can feel it coming because I feel like s*** all the time
Hang in there bro it will pass
Hang tough Jarrod, it’ll pass real soon. Treat yourself to a good cheeseburger if you can. I always feel better about myself when I get past it. Sending good vibes. I wish you peace Now!!
Think it through. The aftermath is not worth it. You got this
Keep going over what you're Grateful for bud! & What good things sobriety brings into your life that you are Grateful for as well! You're not alone brother! Today has been a struggle like a MF for me too but maybe if we stay Grateful these feelings might pass a bit easier 🫶
You got this. Your stronger than you know. Your worth it.
Will that next smoke really help? I understand if you say yes but look how far you've already came you know you don't need it
Try to find something to do like read a book or listen to music something to pass the time
Jesus mannn... I wish I read all these the other day.
I went out. It was terrible. Embarrassing. Picked up right where I left off and then some.
Get to a meeting or call someone
No shame in the relapse. Only shame is not comin back brotha. Get back on the horse - you’re worth it.
I went to a meeting this morning
Been calling people. Thank you guys for all your support
Be patient with yourself do not react to your emotions take it one minute at a time man you got this