Want to meet sober people

Want to meet sober people


You came to the right place! Welcome! Care to share your story and where you're at?


Nice meeting you Christine...This is a good place to ask for help or how to go about it

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Me too. Clean for 18 months now and I don’t have any real friends anymore.

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Where are you located?

Welcome! This is the right place!

Go to AA meetings wherever you're from. Check out the Women's AA meetings. The women take care of eachother and do alot of sober activities. Would probably be much more rewarding than a bunch of internet dudes reaching out.

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I was court ordered to do counseling that involves group therapy. Maybe I'll make a sober friend there🤣

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Me too mk sober friends n cali

I’m new to this app, and so far I really enjoy it BUT going to a local meeting is great. There are apps you can download to find a meeting in person. I go to at least one meeting during the week.


I always want to meet more sober people too!
Meetings are a plus for that for that.

Welcome aboard!!!

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Local meetings are good and there are also the zoom meetings and chats like on here. Good morning ::grinning:

Hey there. Meeting are the best place meet sober people. It’s up to you how to make connections. :heart:one love

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