Was just offered a shot and I contemplated for a

Was just offered a shot and I contemplated for a second but turned it down. I need support right now


You made the right choice!

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Theresa, thanks for sharing! I remember so many times being offered shots, lines, hits, but so glad I turned them all down.
For me it’s like someone offering me a hellacious ride, or poison or rotten fish.
Stay cool, stay smart, stay sober, stay happy.

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Keep strong you got this

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you are stronger than you think. There is an awesome sober life ahead of you. Keep trudging :pray:

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You did great turning it down. Feel that as better than any shot. Emotional sobriety is what we seek and alcohol will just hide the real feelings


What did you do? What did you say? What was the situation? Please share how you handled this.

Yeah i got a lot of regrets too.

They seem to come when you’re most vulnerable. You did right and good :+1:

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I looked at it.. contemplated for a sec trying to justify but played the tape through and said to get rid of it and told him don't offer it to me ever again please.


good 4 u...been there b4 gotta get away from those people

all it takes is that to happen on a bad day....scary but good job

Yay!! The ‘one shot’ is the beginning of agony for me. I had 13 yrs alcohol-free. And blew it. I’m on 9 months alcohol-free..it is a miracle. For me, it was God’s gift..of grace that allowed me/guided me to find the AA group I found. I couldn’t stop drinking on my own. My 3 siblings died from it. They could not stop either. I have a little bit of survivors guilt. Recovery is lots of ups and downs..some tears when needed. I think crying gets toxins out. I have a therapist too. I have what I consider emotional support dogs. I have ADHD. I’ve had concerns over being on late-diagnosed autism spectrum. Anyone else? So much of my life problems seem emotional. I brought it up in therapy but she didn’t say anything about it.

People places things. Stay away for places where shots are offered.

I personally look at this as a really good thing.

We will never be able to escape the fact that alcohol is EVERYWHERE and that this is going to happen to us. We would all be lying if the thought doesn’t cross our mind when we see it (pretty normal human response). But, you said “no”. You showed how sobriety is legit changing your brain for good. Congrats, you’re a badass and committed. Go hang with a few sober friends and congratulate yourself. You deserve it!

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I'm very proud of you for doing the right thing. Sounds like you're going in the right path! Feel free to add me and hmu. I can be your support buddy!