Wave of Anxiety

I am really struggling tonight. I am 6 days sober and do not want to use. I refuse to use. Due to recent events my anxiety is through the roof. My heart is very heavy. Eyes full of tears. I feel the weight all around me closing in everywhere.

I went for a walk, I am breathing on purpose, I meditated. But still it continues to creep in closer. I cannot tell up from down. I am feeling deep feelings. My heart Is getting bigger.

I am seeing the world is much larger than I have made it. I feel the sadness of the blind eye I have turned to stay in my own world.

Addiction kills the pain yes, but also kills being present to those I love, Kills the Joy, the peace, my ability to see others and the pain they go through.

How many have I pushed away to use?, how many times have I closed my eyes on purpose pretending that everything is ok?

What would it be like to live this life through sober eyes? Would I see you?

I know I must brave letting the old life go. Tonight I don’t grieve that. But I grieve the lost time, the lost years, the selfish acts against others by my not being present and choosing to isolate and use. Tonight im getting a small glimpse into the bigger picture and it is painful. I know I cannot love fully until I have something to give and cannot give what I don’t have.

I am saddened that I have closed my heart off for so long. Thawing it out is painful. Tick tok, tick tok. Time marches on. Opportunity’s pass.


Brother I’ve been there, felt that! Reach out to me anytime.

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Thanks brother. Gotta do this.

Hope you’re hanging in there. Use the kit of spiritual tools that have been laid at your feet.

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Thanks brother. I am Sober. Just was dealt some super tough situations and today was able to get some much needed clarity.