Weekends are killing me

I’ve been struggling the most when I get to the weekend, I’m prescribed medicine for ADHD and I keep deciding to take it even though I know I can’t control it or how much I take when I have it. The past few months I’d get my prescription and not be able to take them as prescribed so I get upset with myself and throw them out until they get refilled but I’m still finding ways to go back to them on the weekend even though they make me feel terrible for so much longer than I feel good. It’s so frustrating to know I’m doing good during the week and then screwing it all up Friday and Saturday and end up doing things I either don’t want to do or I’m not completely myself in the way I want to be if I spend time with my friends or family or girlfriend. I can keep myself busy during the week with my commute, job and gym. It’s my first post so just any tips or feedback on things to stay busy or manage my free time, urges and emotions or really anything anyone else has found useful.


Glad you're here! I'm not sure if I have any words of wisdom right now, but I feel ya on the weekend struggle. I think I associated reward systems in my brain with relaxation and using for so long that the default patterns are still so ingrained. It almost feels like I have to mourn the old ways of the weekend, and usually end up glad I did when life goes back to the regular weekday hustle. But not easy in the meantime...


That’s seems like what I’m going through. I’ll do some mourning this weekend and see how that goes. Wish me luck


Hey I have adhd as well and I used to be prescribed stimulants and eventually got addicted and turned to meth… when I got into recovery I was prescribed a non addictive, non stimulant med called Strattera (atomoxetine). So far I’ve had no problems wanting or needing to take more than prescribed. Idk if this will help you but it sure has helped me so I wanted to share with you. I hope things get easier with time.


That was something I had thought about and didn’t follow through on against my intuition. If it’s helpful and non-addictive I’m all for giving it a try, thanks Holly!

You’re welcome. Having adhd as an addict sucks because so many of the meds are addictive and easy to abuse!!

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In early sobriety I filled my days & nights with in person AA meetings and service. I got involved with my sobriety. My sobriety had to me my number 1 priority. Then everything got easy and fun again.