Well here's to rock bottom. I hate myself

Well here's to rock bottom. I hate myself. Does anyone kno if u dont feel safe to detox at home you can detox at a hospital?

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Go to a hospital!

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Good morning Kerry

Yes, please go to a hospital. 

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Detox can be deadly. Utilizing professionals is highly recommended.
For me, it was a surrender to the winning side. I learned it was easier and a much higher probability of successful sobriety.
You don’t have to do it alone.
I hope this helps🙏

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Yes you can

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…hope that you decided to go to the hospital, Kerry.
Please let us know how you are doing!

I did it at home, but I don't know your exact situation. Don't waste your time hating yourself, it's a worthless effort. Instead, lay some positive bricks for your path forward.


Thank you for your kind words. Well i guess yesterday was day zero. Here's to day 1