What a rough road. High on life one minute and

What a rough road. High on life one minute and feeling like a cat in a room full of rocking chairs the next day.


Don’t know your situation but know that sobriety is amazing. Wishing you happiness!!

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Jim, the rollercoaster is typical. Ride it out and know this shall pass. Balance will come.
Are you working the 12 steps w a sponsor?

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Good morning Jim I understand brother. Little by little day by day he gets better are you working the 12 steps???

I hate seeming ignorant or naïve, but I’m honestly not even sure what the 12 steps are and no I don’t have a sponsor. I do have a therapist that is helping through this process though.

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12 steps of alcoholics anonymous is what I do. Also the 12th steps of narcotics anonymous is what I do.