What Are you Most Passionate About?

Helping others through any means possible to see their true value and that they are already enough!


In the words of Ghandi being the change I wish to see.

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I have a lot of different interests but I think what I am most passionate about is church


:purple_heart::heart::purple_heart::heart: love that so much Alan!!

I think I’m passionate about helping others w mental health / addiction bc I know how horrifying it was for me to overcome and since I’ve been able to be helped by so many I want to help others find the light. :pray:

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Being the best father I can be to my children. My unconditional loves.

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Art and music and the poor/working class

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Yes, @miguel68412. The poor/working class is a class that has my attention. Payroll tax, no tax breaks, no gov't funding, etc. I really want to open a food pantry that doesn't serve only dry goods. I want fresh produce, non-hormonal protein, etc.

I also want an after-school program. Hopefully, it can be funded by grants.

Being kind to the underdog. There's a guy in my network who I'm concerned about. He really doesn't have any friends- as a female I'm having a hard time with that thin line. You know trying to be his friend without him thinking I'm interested.