What did Suboxone actually do to my brain 🧠

Even though it was years ago now I still remember the Suboxone days. I was called by my counselor, MAT doctor, IOP counselor a "success story" I did everything right. Did exactly as I was told. Went to meetings, tapered down dosage slowly over about a year and a half then off completely. Didn't use any other substance or drink during the whole process. I even stopped smoking cigarettes and started watching what I ate. Cut out all sodas and sugar. Anything I saw as unhealthy I stopped or cut out of my life. While on Suboxone I had zero issues with sleep. Obsessive thoughts were no longer an issue. I felt what I thought " normal " was probably supposed to feel like. Basically while on a very low dose of Suboxone, like not even a half a milligram I was fine , " normal " Once I was completely off of it I didn't really have any withdrawals from it. It was such a slow taper so even that was a success. Not long after being completely clean from everything all these " strange " things started up like trouble sleeping. My over active brain is now running overtime. Obsessive thoughts or OCD ? The list goes on. I realize Suboxone is basically an opiate. So my body was getting what it wanted but it really did calm everything else down as well. I seemed to be in a much better place, happy even. I never got "high" on Suboxone. Just made me feel " normal " But I accomplished so much during the time I was on it. Got back to work, cleaned up my other unhealthy habits, always felt content. Now years later I'm not that at all. Little sleep, constantly over thinking, anxiety at times, the list goes on. So I have to wonder what exactly was Suboxone doing to my chemistry to keep me in such a "better" place ? Is this proof that I should be on some type of meds ? Is this proof I am battling depression or actually have OCD or ADHD ? I truly never want to be on any type of substance ever again. Prescribed by a doctor or not. So do I choose to suffer with these issues ? Once again I have to wonder how and why Suboxone seemed to be the magic bullet for all of these issues.


I’m proud of you Dion you don’t ever have to use again. One day at a time.


Right on. Thank you :pray:

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I wonder if we all have pre-existing conditions ( anxiety, depression, OCD ) that we started self medicating with alcohol & drugs
Sober we have have to figure out how to manage these conditions in a healthy way


My thoughts as well. I think most of us were simply self medicating. At least in the beginning stages.


I hope these symptoms fade for you, and am very thankful for you post. Very encouraging, thank you.


Most likely to some degree. Its not a hard yes type of thing but its very common.


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