What do you do instead?

I've quit drinking a few times, the longest for 6 months during covid and it felt great. Trying again and now that society is open I'm wondering what people do with their days.


Get to meetings and get involved. For me, once I sobered up I started doing all the things that I said I was going to do while sitting on a barstool. Today in sobriety I have soooo much to do. Hobbies and plans. It’s awesome.

A good suggestion in early sobriety is do your laundry and organize the drawers you put it in. :grin:


I actually am doing the pile of clean laundry thing so maybe I should start with taking care of that


Good deal. Taking positive action. Also get to a meeting every day.

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Every day? Do people really go every day? I've never been but I thought it was more of a weekly thing

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It is and was recommended to me to do 90 meetings in 90 days.
That’s what I did.

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Hit a meeting and share your struggles, I bet you’ll feel a lot better. I went to 30 meetings in 30 days some do more. It depends on the person. After the 30 in 30 I go 2times a week sometimes 4. It all depends on how I’m feeling. AA doors are always open!


I was in a spot where I knew that I needed to stop, and finally wanted to stop drinking.
I had trying a lot of other things including A.A. but I never really did what the A.A. people suggested.
So I went again and took suggestions. That made the difference.

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I read, play guitar, do landscaping projects, house renovations, work on my trucks, watch movies, hit the gym, and other things that I enjoy. I enjoy all these things waaay better when I'm not drinking.

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I'm a member of Narcotics Anonymous. Some people find that AA is their home, others feel that NA is more to their suiting. Still others utilize programs such as SMART Recovery or Celebrate Recovery. There are as many recovery programs (or more!) as there are ways to run from one's feelings.
Find a 'home' get involved. Start learning about clean/sober Adam. What he likes, what makes him happy, etc. Experience life clean and sober. It's a whole different ball of wax, my friend.
If you've got time, and the weather permits, go spend some time outdoors. Do some meditating/focused thinking. You might just figure out some things you want to try.

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I go for long walks. Go swimming. Yoga. Reading a lot of books.

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I just picked up the book "Infectious Generosity " by Chris Anderson, the leader of TED. So far its very inspiring

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