What is it like being sober?

It’s blissfully beautiful! However the road isn’t always easy. 40 months into it and I still have to do the work. Constantly looking for resentments, selfishness, fear, self pity. Asking God for help. Then I need to sit quietly for God’s answer/directions.
I like to take back my will and self reliance from time to time. Which causes harm and suffering. Other then that I pretty much living my best life today.


Thank you, it seems you found a great path to maintain sobriety.

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Better mental and physical health. Anxiety reduced by 90%. Blood pressure now normal. Lost 15 lbs. Gave up sugar and coffee too. Good habits definitely build over time. Always been into exercise and had a good diet so now things are really taking off. I can't think of one good thing about alcohol. I don't need it to be social or unwind. Would rather have a smoothie.


I’m reading “Atomic Habits” by James Clear. It’s been helping to unlearn old habits and learn better ones.

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I'm a lot more zen. I have myself and my temper under better control. My anxiety is in check. I have more desire to do things. Life still has ups and downs but I'm in a better place to handle them. I lost some weight and I feel younger. I do still miss some of the social part of it all, but I'm learning how to do that too without intoxication. I don't miss fake feelings and blurred memories it has been a blessing for me I wish I pursued sooner.

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This is a totally random observation, and certainly not the only positive (I am 5 days today).. it's been brutal. But physically, I feel amazing.

I've lost some of the puffiness & inflammation from overconsumption. I've started eating normal meals and not having the late night drunk munchies. I've always gone to the gym, but this is the first time in a looooong time that I've seen results. (I'm not in AA, the YMCA serves as my sober community) I've lost 4 pounds in 5 days, and I am eating bigger & better meals. I'm not drinking all my calories.

I figured out that I could eat a huge piece of cheesecake every day & it would still be less calories than I was drinking.

This is by no means the biggest positive. But when it feels too hard (usually between 4-9pm, my normal drinking hours), I grab a cookie & think about how much better I look :rofl:


Congratulations, very inspiring

It's like playing a country song backwards....


Like being alive for the first time in a long time, or the movie Limitless (colors feel real, sound feels like a record player, and everything has a new taste to it). You’re overwhelmed a bit by everything, but you feel oddly better for having this experience that alcohol never really solved, just mucked up the waters.


I have found a path. It’s not always easy. Sometimes in sobriety we make decisions that cause harm to others. And one has to face the consequences for their actions. But they are tools I can use to help me get through this. It’s becoming willing to do the work… my illness wants me dead.

I’m just finding the systems that will get me to where and who I want to be. I like to hear about different ways that have help others with sobriety. I’m only 5 days in, I want more, but I’m just doing one day at a time right now.

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For me it was a combination of medical care, residential, and AA that has given me a life that’s pretty good. I joined a YPAA committee. Which stands for young people of Alcoholics Anonymous. We put on events once a month for the young and young at heart. There is a meeting before the event. It’s been super fun and completely sober.

Congrats on 5 days. I barely remember my first 5 days as I had to detox from meth. Lots of sleep… one day at a time consecutively.

Only way you’ll ever truly know is by giving it a shot my friend.
Everyone has their own experiences and opinions.


It’s the best gift I’ve ever given myself.