What is it like being sober?

What is it like being sober?


Like being pulled up from deep water and getting that first deep lifesaving breath of air.


Having a group of friends/family that you can hangout with without alcohol will definitely help. I feel great and better day by day as long as stay busy and active.



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Happy peaceful at least tht my experience


AA meetings and staying sober 2yrs now has given me a much better life than I ever thought possible!....I did do a dry drunk for 5 yrs several years ago. What a waste of life that was. It didn't help me mentally or socially in any way.


I’ve tried finding sober people at AA. But, AA meetings that I’ve went to make me feel uncomfortable and not welcome. How can I find a sober community in Long Beach, CA?

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It completely sucks the first few weeks. It helps to find any meetings you can where there are other sober people. Then over time and some form of sobriety work, it gets better. When you find a way to deal with life without alcohol it gets even easier. Then day by day as you build confidence and time it becomes a reasonably happy life. One thing is for sure that I’ve seen in my years is the people who work some sort of program of sobriety are the ones who are not miserable and struggling all the way. I suggest keeping going to meetings until you find one that fits you, it’s not going to be comfortable, our natural state is drunk and numb, everything is uncomfortable sober at first. Just keep going, sit,listen and be grateful your in a place that is safe from our disease for an hour. One day at a time

Thank you

Woohoo Strong Beach….. there’s great meetings in that city you should check one out. Anyways, sobriety is life, it’s boring, it’s fun, sh!t still hits the fan. All of that is better than my drinking days

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It's like waking up, and deciding how to tackle the day without any hangover or regrets from acting out of control. Like feeling good physically and developing emotional strength. Pursuing dreams, and knowing that nothing is perfect here but it can be really good. Like waking up and remembering who I really am.

It's a little scary at first especially if you are someone like me. I was a functional alcoholic, I actually was more productive after a night of drinking. But, quit because my health began taking a toll.

Life as it should be lived. Stay blessed

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Life is a balancing act - for me sobriety keeps me present - I have better chance at getting things righter, and my relationships better.

Like feeling 20 years younger in a matter of a 10 days…

It wasn’t as dramatic of a difference, but it is still worth it. However I am struggling with 0 social contact now because I don’t know how to socialize sober without panic attacks

First few weeks were actually the easiest for me… as time goes on I get more of a wayward temptation

When I first got sober my bottom was monumentally catastrophic so everyone finally knew what it was I had been up to. It happened over the holiday season, I was in a psych hospital and I have to say it was the best Christmas I had ever had because my secret was out I noI get had to keep up appearances. When I went to long term treatment following the hospital stay, I, for the first time in my life, felt safe. I felt like I had a home. When embraced a 12 step program, I felt seen for the first time as a complete person. I found a community that loved and accepted me, despite the monkey on my back. Wanted me to be “apart of,” even in my struggling times. I felt a sense of kinship, community and connection so great, that I truly felt I was not alone. As I accepted sobriety and what living a sober life entailed, I the gaping holes in my soul start to close up and a sense of feel whole took over. I had finally gotten the hand book to life that my peers seemed to have been given at birth and I could wear life like a loose garment, taking life as it came. I found a clarity that trying to describe would do it an injustice-things just made sense as to the “why.” Living a sober life can be difficult, and not having an “escape” from the mundane and stress can seem more like a punishment. However, I know that, if living an honest sober life, I am living with purpose and intent as my higher self, the person I was intended to become: my authentic self. :honeybee:

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It’s a little bumpy at first…but you will be free from headaches and BS that goes with it!! I felt alone at first but found a lot of support in the rooms!!! A sense of Freedom but sometimes I feel like wanting a drink but for a short minute!!! Finding new friends and freedom!!!

Jillian, feel free to
Message me anytime!